The Befuddled Press crafts fine paper, artist books, broadsides, photographs, and cards of various sorts, which explore the beauty, absurdity, simplicity, and complexity of our existence in the cosmos. Ultimately, its aim is to make art, mostly by hand, that is beautiful, tactile, thoughtful, humorous, and largely affordable.

The Befuddled Press is also the nom de plume and press name of S. K. Murphy who is a visual artist, teacher, and recovering anthropologist specializing in hand paper-making, alternative photography, and comparative religion.

Originally from New Jersey, S. K. Murphy spent more than a decade in Arizona where he gained advanced degrees in photography, book arts, museum studies, and cultural anthropology before migrating to the tundra of the upper Midwest. He is currently an associate professor of art at the College of St. Benedict & St. John's University. He lives with his partner and rescue cats at an undisclosed, secure location in St. Joseph, Minnesota.

It should be noted that the Befuddled Press believes that Art is fundamental to the human experience. It is not just commerce. Hence, the Befuddled Press aims to make art available for everyone. Some of our works are free. Most works are affordable. The majority of artist books, cards, and prints are under $200, with many available for considerably less. The Befuddled Press has artwork in more than thirty-five public collections and several hundred private collections. In addition to collections, the Befuddled Press is always looking for interesting and unusual places to share our artwork. If you have ideas or would like to collaborate, feel free to get in touch.